With cloudy skies dominating the weather for much of April and May, my photography outings have been limited to a small handful. I decided to look through my ‘to be posted’ archive for past May shots that had not yet seen the light of day and found much of the same. Guess May really is a cloudy month…
I stopped at this image captured on May 14, 2017 at Devereux Beach. On smaller devices, you might miss the three surfers in the water waiting for a few waves as the setting sun illuminated a patch of clouds overhead on this mostly cloudy May Day.
A very disappointing Spring weather-wise! I hope that we will have a lush summer from all of the rain, but there are also downsides from that, like more mosquitos (“ouch!”) and lost crops. The winds have been cruel to blooms as well. I hope our summer is more comfortable and seasonal!