
Gold Coast, Marblehead

Hard to believe that it was one month ago when I captured the best light of the summer at Devereux Beach. This was the night that I caught a full rainbow over the causeway and thought that would be the peak of light only to discover this incredible view of the Gold Coast on the shores of Devereux Beach twenty minutes later. This is the sixth image I will have shared from the hour spent running back and forth between the causeway and beach on June 24, 2020. I shot these two clouds from various angles and with differing compositions [...]

By |2020-07-28T21:46:16-04:00July 29th, 2020|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Summer at the Beach

I mentioned in yesterday's post that last Wednesday's outing led to one of the best sunsets of the year - including an awesome rainbow over the causeway. I shared some of the rainbow shots last week but worked on the rest of the images from that night over the weekend. This is an image from the water's edge at Devereux Beach from when I arrived at 7:30pm. I was pretty happy with the dramatic light and cloud cover. Little did I know just how good the light would get.

By |2020-06-28T22:03:06-04:00July 1st, 2020|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Glowing Sand at Devereux Beach

I mentioned in yesterday's post that my wife and I had headed down to Neck Run for ice cream on Saturday night when a nice sunset began to form. After capturing the image looking back toward the parking lot, I wandered along the water line and stopped for this shot. Low tide created a beautiful reflection on the glowing sand at Devereux Beach with the pink clouds mirrored in the water and wet sand.  The beach was fairly deserted for such a nice summer evening.

By |2019-08-05T21:11:40-04:00August 6th, 2019|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , |7 Comments

May Day at Devereux Beach

With cloudy skies dominating the weather for much of April and May, my photography outings have been limited to a small handful. I decided to look through my 'to be posted' archive for past May shots that had not yet seen the light of day and found much of the same. Guess May really is a cloudy month... I stopped at this image captured on May 14, 2017 at Devereux Beach. On smaller devices, you might miss the three surfers in the water waiting for a few waves as the setting sun illuminated a patch of clouds overhead on this [...]

By |2019-05-19T20:47:57-04:00May 24th, 2019|Categories: Beach|Tags: , |1 Comment

Golden Dawn at Preston Beach

A couple of weeks ago, an unbelievable dawn erupted in the sky over Marblehead.  I left the house as the purple light hit its peak and made a beeline for Preston Beach hoping to catch some of the magical color in the clouds.  By the time I parked and got out of the car, the purple had disappeared but, a minute or two later, a golden color exploded overhead. I quickly composed this image to capture as much of the golden dawn as I could.  With the calm ocean and few waves, the wet sand only served to accentuate the [...]

By |2017-11-05T17:53:45-05:00November 6th, 2017|Categories: Sunrise|Tags: , , , , |8 Comments

Reflections in the Sand at Devereux Beach

On an early September evening in 2014, I headed out to Devereux Beach to chase after some cumulous clouds that had formed shortly before sunset.  I arrived to find low tide and wet sand creating the perfect environment for these clouds to form reflections in the sand. I shot this from low to the ground to try to maximize the foreground sand and reflections while keeping the bodies of both clouds visible above Flying Point and Marblehead Neck.

By |2017-10-02T20:41:11-04:00October 3rd, 2017|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Life’s a Beach in Marblehead

After capturing the reflections at Redd's Pond, I made my way toward Devereux Beach and the causeway hoping to find more interesting compositions on this hot Summer Sunday.  I parked on the Riverhead Beach side and shot a few frames looking out toward Marblehead Light and then scaled the causeway to walk along its concrete path and take in views from both sides.  I shot toward Abbot Hall until I reached the halfway mark and then turned around to explore views of the Atlantic Ocean and Devereux Beach. As I neared the beach, I took note of the packed appearance [...]

By |2016-08-08T21:12:11-04:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , |12 Comments

Purple Sky and Smooth Sand at Devereux Beach

On September 9, 2014, I witnessed one of the most incredible sunsets of my life.  The view was made even more amazing by my choice of Devereux Beach to serve as backdrop.  Some combination of storm and incredibly low tides had transformed what is normally a fairly rocky beach into this beautiful smooth sand version. I'll bet many longtime 'Headers would have been hard pressed to name this as Devereux Beach based on the conditions. More images of Marblehead without snow coming throughout the week.  Stay tuned...

By |2016-11-06T12:04:09-05:00March 10th, 2015|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Golden Light on Devereux Beach

Back to Saturday night's outing with my son for this image of golden light on Devereux Beach.  This was the sight that awaited me as we pulled into the nearly empty lot at Devereux Beach on December 13.  I quickly headed down to the water's edge where I set up this composition and shot as wave after wave came to shore. At this point the sun had just dipped behind the distant houses and the clouds above took on a golden glow that reflected on the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

By |2016-11-06T12:04:16-05:00December 17th, 2014|Categories: Beach|Tags: , , , |0 Comments