It’s been nearly a month since I last posted an image here (the epiphany bonfire). I had decided to take a break or at least slow down the photography and, as it happens, I chose to do so during the least photogenic winter in the past 10 years…

Tonight, however, I headed out before 5pm to join Glover’s Regiment annual march from Old Town House to Old Burial Hill on the anniversary of General John Glover’s death (from hepatitis I learned tonight). I remembered how difficult it was to shoot the lantern procession and gathering at Old Burial Hill when I last joined the Regiment in 2018 and this year was no different.

I came away with two favorite shots in the end – one of the regiment firing the second volley of the night and another of Captain Seamus Daly leading the lantern walk along Washington Street. If you’ve never participated in this walk, mark the closest Saturday to January 30th in your calendar for next year.