The carnival has come and gone but not before I managed a few new images of the fun.  I had this image in mind as soon as the first postings went up about the carnival coming back to Devereux beach.  Unfortunately rain and fog interfered with those plans – that is until the very last day.

On Sunday, I returned to the carnival grounds after spending $40 in 1 hour with the kids and set up for this shot.  The carnival was getting ready to close and the crowd thinning out.  There were only two kids on the chair swing and I hoped I could get the image I had in mind before the ride ended.  As the chairs swung by, I shot frame after frame hoping to get the timing just right.  When I saw this shot on the back LCD, I knew I had gotten it.

There’s something about seeing only the legs sticking out of the swing with the chair perfectly positioned over the ferris wheel in the distance.  The clincher though is the boy’s shadow and I could not have asked for a better one to be drawn out on the sand below.

What’s your favorite ride or memory of the Senior Class carnival?