Throughout this past week, I have been going out at sunrise in search of sea smoke.  I ended up with only a few shots that captured the wispy fog coming off the relatively warm water.  On each trip out, however, I would note that parts of the Marblehead harbor had started to freeze and reminded myself to set out and capture this phenomenon in better light.

On Saturday, I headed out with plans to shoot the full worm moon rise over the harbor and found myself set up 40 minutes early.  As the clouds began to form overhead, I started to lose hope of a good moon rise but remembered to cross the causeway and capture the ice.  I headed across to the Neck and set up along the rocks facing the Marblehead harbor.  Though it was supposed to be a relatively warm 18 F out, the wind coming off the water was beyond freezing.  I had to keep ducking into my car and blasting the heat to get some feeling back in my fingers and face.  Finally, sunset came and this light materialized before me.  This was a long-ish exposure (6 seconds) that served to calm the water a bit and bring out the saturation in the sky.

As soon as I captured this shot, I quickly headed back across to shoot the moon rise.  I’ll share that image on Wednesday…