On Friday, July 24th, my family and I were driving back into Marblehead from dinner in Beverly where we had barely escaped heavy rains. As we drove down Lafayette Street, I spotted an enormous rainbow taking shape over Salem Harbor and received permission to pull over and capture it (I had luckily put the camera bag and tripod in the trunk just in case). With sunset fast approaching and fearing little time to capture any other great clouds over Marblehead Harbor, I convinced my wife and kids to join me on a quick photo shoot.
When I turned onto Front Street, I knew that I had made the right decision. Looking out over Marblehead Neck, I saw a huge storm cloud pouring rain over the houses and land below while being lit by the golden light of sunset. It was a spectacular scene and I quickly hopped out of the car and put on my widest lens to capture the entirety of the storm cloud.
In this view (one of many from the night), I composed the image to include the boats tied up at Fort Beach leading out towards Marblehead harbor and the Neck beyond. If you look closely, you can make out the crescent moon in the small patch of sky between the clouds overhead.
I captured over sixty images of Marblehead during my three week hiatus from posting and so will be back to a daily posting schedule for the foreseeable future. As a reminder, images are posted on Facebook and Twitter every morning around 6:30am and re-shared at around 7:00pm. You can also receive a weekly digest of photos shared in the past week by signing up for the email list on my website.
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