Last night, Glover’s Regiment met in front of Old Town House before their annual memorial march to Old Burial Hill to commemorate the life of John Glover. I hadn’t previously had the chance to join the Regiment on this march and was thrilled to take part this year under cool (but not miserable) conditions. There were two other photographers there shooting for the Reporter and Daily Item and the three of us tried to stay out of each other’s shots as we walked ahead of the Regiment along Washington Street towards Glover’s burial place.

When we reached Old Burial Hill, Seamus Daly spoke about John Glover and then led the gathered Regiment in firing three volleys to commemorate the life of this General. The conditions were incredibly difficult to shoot in with pitch darkness briefly lit up by the rifle fire. I used the first two volleys to tweak my settings and then came the final third volley seen here. I had decided to focus on the lantern illuminating Glover’s grave and was thrilled with this final image capturing plumes of fire in the night sky.

I captured several images of the Regiment getting set up and then marching along Washington Street that I may share later today.