I had gone out on Sunday, October 21st to find early signs of autumn in Marblehead having noticed the maples had already hit peak color. I started off at the high school before heading down Pleasant Street to historic downtown Marblehead.
Once there, I made it a point to circle Old Town House and spotted a few turning leaves in the trees on either side of the building. I found this spot from which to capture the yellow facade and gradual progression of fall color from the leaves at the top to the green ones below.
Beautiful such memories of my home town
The police station was in the basement….all good friends of my Dad and kind to children. Remember Clem Rogers? Great man
The police station was in the downstairs. I had to go there with my parents to get my BB gun back . ?
I like the colored leaves against the green creating a layered effect.
Also love the fact that the lighting you have captures the year it was built in1727.Awesome building
I can’t wait to come back!
You’re photos have probably helped Marblehead tourism.
Great picture?
Heidi Mason Modrusan
Anthony, no wonder we love the color of our home! Here’s the inspiration!!
It’s like coming home to a smile!
So pretty I love the way the trees show a different dimension and plain ,and the color or the old town house is beautiful.
Precinct 1 came out in droves! Congratulations voters!
Beautiful picture!
Man does that bring back memories