This year has gotten off to a slow start with only four photo outings to date. The lack of snow played a major role as winter scenes seem to lack a needed element without a bit of white coating. As I write this, we are due to have our largest snow storm of the season so the irony is definitely not lost on me.  Besides a New Years sunrise shoot and heading out for the Epiphany tree burning, I had only gone out one other time prior to this particular morning.

As it happened, I had rented a lens for our trip to the Turks and Caicos and wanted to put it through its paces in familiar territory. With that as impetus, I woke early on Friday, February 15th and headed to the State Street Landing in the hopes of a solid sunrise.  I had some clues to suggest I was going to be treated to a pretty good showing but had no idea what would transpire when the sun began to rise above the horizon.

Within minutes of seeing these pinks and oranges explode before me, I had adjusted my position and swapped lenses to compose this scene of most of the Neck bordered by brilliant light overhead that was reflecting in the purple harbor water. As luck would have it, there was only one boat in the harbor which helped cement this as a winter scene. Even better, Marblehead Light’s green beacon was still shining brightly.

I took several images at various focal lengths with my tried and true 24-105 zoom lens (the rental got thrown into my camera bag but would make an appearance later that morning). I’ll share more from this morning in the days to come…