In 2014, I had my older Canon camera modified to allow me to capture images in infrared. On June 15, 2014, I decided to bike the rail trail looking for images to capture as the infrared filter makes foliage a bright white and turns blue skies nearly black. I stopped at this fork in the road with the uphill path to the left leading up to Village street and the bridge beyond showing that road.
By Eyal Oren|2019-06-23T12:47:02-04:00June 25th, 2019|Categories: Infrared|Tags: black and white, infrared, rail trail|5 Comments
Wow what an eerie and wonderful sight!Like a fairy land!Walfked this path so many times,but never did I see it this way.You captured this scene so great.Our first home that we bought was on Village street to the left on the right side of street just 2 houses up from the bridge.
amazing black and white contrast!!!
Amazing photo!
lools like a winter wonderland