On Friday March 13th, I chased a passing storm and ended up on Front Street from where I started off shooting a tight composition of the lighthouse and Neck with some waves breaking on the rocks of Fort Beach. I later zoomed out and captured the full view including the missing Great Tree and shared that image earlier.

I came back to this image this weekend after my first week ‘off’ work. As a part-owner of our Allergy practice, I have not been off at all. We have tried to pivot to telemedicine all while grappling with the very real threat to our practice from the coming storm of infections. As I finished up one of many calls on Sunday night, I thought this would be a great time to revisit old favorite images that hadn’t yet seen the light of day.

In this way I get to relive the moments when I pressed the shutter button and tune out the stress and anxiety of the current day for at least a few minutes.