I had been watching the sky last night at around 7pm and couldn’t decide if we might have a nice sunset and ended up opting to stay in. But then I heard a clap of thunder and checked the radar to find a bright red spot passing just south of Marblehead and jumped in the car. I drove to Devereux Beach and arrived to find the last light of a rainbow fading. Unfortunately, no lightning appeared as I had hoped. Instead, I stayed until sunset and shot along the beach.
I worked on three images when I returned home and this was my favorite of them. The cumulous clouds were massive and I tried to find angles that would allow me to fully capture them. This shot with the fading sunlight reflecting off the cloud and creating an ocean glow was my favorite. It helps that the surf had a nice white color and pattern as it touched the sand.
Your enthusiasm in writing about this piece is simply wonderful to read…the photo speaks for itself….magnificent!
Wow this some cloud
This is not what I expected. This one is unlike any other I’ve seen. I can’t believe the colors.
I love the tension in this, as if the cloud is deciding to rest on the water, take a dip or float above.