So this is where I started on Sunday morning during the break of dawn. I stood on Front Street between the Barnacle and a private home looking down at Lovis Cove (also known as ‘Screeching Lady beach’). I was pretty happy with my first few images as the sky picked up the color of the rising sun but then decided to walk a bit further down Front Street and lucked out as the sky exploded in color less than 10 minutes later.
I mentioned the alternative name for Lovis Cove when i shared the other photo Sunday morning and had a few comments inquiring about the history behind Screeching Lady Beach. There is a great site reviewing this local ghost story and it seemed appropriate to share it this month as Halloween approaches. Click for the full story of the Screeching Lady Beach at Lovis Cove –
Note in the comments there is some confusion as to when the screams can be heard with one person referencing eighth grade social studies with Mr. Tuveson, Mr. Nash and Mr. Orlen putting the anniversary as July 17th and others stating it can be heard midwinter in the middle of the night. Curious if anyone has more information to share.
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