I recently purchased a subscription for a service that was supposed to help predict nice sunsets and sunrises based on a wealth of meteorological data. It had been right once in the two months since I purchased it and I was growing increasingly frustrated with it until Friday night when I watched from home as the sky exploded in color.

My frustration led me to checking weather conditions for myself last night and I found that conditions were somewhat promising for sunset so I hopped in the car and drove. The high clouds that favor a nice sunset initially showed in the western sky so I drove across the causeway and looped around the Neck spotting a sun dog in the sky. As I drove, I found the clouds shifting enough that I crossed back and then to the Landing, Fort Beach and finally to the Little Harbor Lobster Company’s lot where I parked and waited.

I found myself looking at Gerry Island and, maybe for the first time, noting the natural ramp away from the land bridge which appears normally at low tide. I decided at that point to make this feature part of my composition and waited as the sun set and Marblehead Light’s green beacon turned on to capture this image.

It might be a day late but still nice to be out for the first time in weeks enjoying the calm feeling of a spring sunset at Little Harbor.