Though our weather has been incredible this spring, clouds in the past few days meant that I missed the chance to capture April’s full pink moon. Luckily, I had this image captured on April 26, 2021 in my ‘to be posted’ folder. I had gone out on this April night under perfect conditions and came home with three ‘keepers’.  One taken from Front Street where it meets Franklin that allowed me a zoomed in view of the full pink moon and Marblehead light. The other near the Barnacle that let me compose a tight shot of the lone sailboat with the homes along Marblehead Neck baked in sunlight as the moon shone overhead.

This wider shot was also captured from near the Barnacle and allowed me the full view of the clear conditions that night. The wider shot (at 100mm) made the moon appear slightly smaller than the zoomed in views and so the image stayed hidden for two years until today.