As luck would have it, I was finishing off the evening’s photo outing just as sunset approached and the nightly tradition of colors and firing the cannon commenced.  I spent last Summer capturing this tradition at each of the yacht clubs in town.  For the prior version at the Eastern Yacht Club, I had composed the image to include Abbot Hall in the background.  I realized on this night, I could capture the view of the cannon being fired at sunset with Marblehead Light in the distance.

As the light dimmed, I set up for this shot and again closed the aperture.  I was trying to find a perfect balance for shutter speed that would capture the full explosion of the cannon while keeping any other motion to a minimum.  As the young man in charge of the evening’s tradition approached the cannon, I started firing off shot after shot and lucked out with this one that captured a great plume of fire coming from the cannon at sunset.

The images shared this week were all taken during a 45 minute span on a Tuesday night last week.  It’s incredible to sit back at the end of an outing such as this and see the wide variety in scenes and colors that can develop in such a short span of time.  It also explains why one such outing can quickly grow the archive of ‘to be posted’ images.  I haven’t even shared all of the rainbow images yet…