The full Sturgeon moon rose tonight over Chandler Hovey Park and I had very nearly given up on trying to capture it.  It was 7:30pm, we had just finished dinner, and I very nearly had forgotten about the moonrise. I quickly checked the weather report and saw that cloud cover was minimal. I then spent a few minutes trying to get motivated to shoot the moonrise and left the house with only the camera and tripod in hand.

I arrived on Front Street with five minutes to set up and was starting to worry when I hadn’t spotted the moon despite it being several minutes past official moonrise. When I looked in my camera’s rear LCD, I spotted a faint image of a red moon rising and started to shoot frame after frame while making adjustments to the composition.

I continued to be shocked by what my camera was showing me as the 400mm lens and sensor picked up the moon far better than the naked eye could. I tracked the moon for 20 minutes until it rose over the lighthouse and hurried home to check the cards. This view of the red moon rising was my wife’s and daughter’s favorite of my final 3 images.

Did you catch this last full moon of the summer?