This may not be the first summer storm in Marblehead but it’s the first one I was here for and, luckily enough, happened on a Wednesday so I was free to head to the Neck to try to capture some bolts of lightning. I was watching the clouds and radar all afternoon and headed out when the storm approached flanking Marblehead to the north and south. I started off at Castle Rock but kept missing the lightning there and so I packed up and headed to Chandler Hovey Park.

I waited for a bit and then spotted the first bolt in the distance and set up this composition of a full Marblehead harbor. Then it was a matter of dialing in settings and trying to squeeze the remote trigger fast enough to capture the fleeting discharges of electricity. I lucked out with this bolt of lightning that struck close to Abbot Hall.  With this shot in hand, I headed home and was really happy with the final image.