Near the end of May, I was fortunate to end up on the Neck as a beautiful sunset took shape over Marblehead harbor. This sunset view from Corinthian Lane developed slowly and hit its peak a few minutes after 8:00. We’ve had a few really nice sunsets lately and hopefully will get a few more with the warm weather and occasional storms predicted for the week.
By Eyal Oren|2019-07-30T22:54:09-04:00July 31st, 2019|Categories: Sunset|Tags: Corinthian Lane, Marblehead Harbor, sunset|4 Comments
Amazing colors?
Blessed to live here.
Eyal…haven’t been back to your site in months, as I was having downloading probs. Happy to report this lost son of M’head is back. Still in S. Cal, but my heart will always be in your town! Thanks for the constant reminders….
So beautiful. I love it.