What a nice start to this Wednesday in Marblehead.
I had planned out the timing and location of this morning’s full snow moon setting and figured that if I set up along Foster Street, I had a decent chance (weather providing) to capture a nice image of the full moon abutting Abbot Hall. Alarm went off and I was out the door in cold weather gear (it was a brisk 11 F) and headed across the causeway with a grin across my face as I spotted the moon and few if any clouds to get in the way.
Sure enough, the sky was clear with just a hint of high clouds to pick up the light of the rising sun and add a subtle pink hue to the final scene. It turned out that there were some clouds hiding just above Abbot Hall so the moon disappeared shortly after I captured this shot but I was happy with the combination of the full snow moon, a light pink sky and Abbot Hall and surrounding houses picking up and reflecting the light of the morning sun.
I may have to head out again for the moonrise…
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