I had to get up early on Friday morning for an electronic medical record meeting at a local hospital.  As I got dressed and ready for the day, I looked at the window and saw an incredible display of pinks and purples lighting up the sky.  I decided to postpone breakfast and raced downstairs, grabbed the always ready camera bag and drove.  I wasn’t sure where I was going but found myself on Atlantic Avenue headed toward Ocean Ave.  The light was starting to fade as I pulled up to Devereux beach and jumped out of the car. There was no time to setup the tripod and I quickly walked down to the water where I found someone digging for clams!  It was low tide right after the new moon so this should not have been a surprise but he could not have positioned himself any better than this.  I grabbed a few images handheld while the sky faded.  I liked this one best for his position as well as the sandbar that formed and pointed directly toward the morning light.