Funny story… Not two minutes after taking the image of sunset that I shared on Wednesday night, a boat comes along with a group of kids who spot my camera and immediately pose. As they slowly motor past, they tried to figure out how to contact me. I shouted back to look up Wednesdays in Marblehead and got a bunch of exclamations along the lines of ‘you’re that guy!’ and ‘I follow you on Instagram’.
I received a nice Facebook message from one of the kids on the boat last night which prompted me to jump to this photo and work on it. As soon as I did, a song popped into my head and I chose that song title for the image. One catch, the song in my head was not the one by the Who titled ‘The Kids are Alright’ but rather the one by the Offspring called ‘The Kids Aren’t Alright’ – now I’m showing my age…
Anyway, I stuck with the nicer title as they really did seem to be a nice group out for an evening trip on the boat.
Love this!
Michael A. Mentuck
The beauty of growing up in Marblehead… Sunset cruises with your teenage friends!
brings back 30 year old memories of when we were those kids! Yeah! The kids ARE aright! Enjoy your Marblehead!
People love your pictures. You do a great job.
Thanks for the picture and good report. My boat and the kids are the crew who are doing some varnish work on the boat. Sam Rizzo. Glad they were behaving!
So awesome! Great kids in this town. ??
Cole Erskine Stew Hutchinson
Love this!
Great shot, Captain Mike!
And a photo that will remind them of the summers of our youth, for the rest of their lives
Thank you. Beautiful picture
Great shot of their annual Elizabeth M cruise (thank you Mentucks). Those boys are the best!!!