I love summer storms…especially when they happen on a Wednesday in Marblehead ;-)

With the insane heat wave of the past few days predicted to break tonight, I kept watching multiple weather apps and my radar ones looking for any sign of storms and the possibility of lightning. Sure enough right around 6pm, a set of storms that had been heading to our north abruptly shifted and came over Marblehead. The radar looked too ominous to try to capture the incoming storm so I waited it out (while enjoying sushi from Gourmet Garden) and then took off as soon as the rain slowed.

Based on the radar, I thought I might have a good angle from The Landing but the lot was full so I turned left and drove down to Front Street and ended up at Fort Beach. I took 5 shots before this incredible bolt of lightning crashed into the ocean near Marblehead Light and I was lucky to capture it in this frame.

I ended up getting a rainbow and a really cool different lightning show a bit later so stay tuned for those.