After capturing yesterday’s image of the woman running across the causeway and Monday’s image of Castle Rock seen from Sky High, I decided to see if I could capture the third of five yacht clubs firing the cannon at sunset. As I mentioned in the two previous posts, the first image was a happy accident but quickly led to this project and a pursuit to learn more about when this great tradition originated in Marblehead.
I crossed back over the causeway and headed to the Boston Yacht Club on what ended up being a day when they were closed. I met a great guy down on the pier named Bo who even asked me where I wanted the cannon placed for the best composition. I have to admit to doing a bit of a double-take when I first saw the cannon as it was far, far smaller than the two I had photographed previously. So much so that I wasn’t too concerned about bringing my ear plugs. I think Bo read my mind because he cautioned that it packs quite a punch and handed me his headset.
As sunset hit, so did the first two cannons on Marblehead Neck and then Bo fired off the Boston Yacht Club cannon. He was right, it packed quite a kick and I now understand why he held it underfoot – it rocked back quite a bit.
I ended up being treated to quite a show after this cannon fire with an incredible pink sky taking over the harbor in every direction. More of those images next week…
Special thanks to Bo Johnson, Alexander Falk and Commodore Peter Barnett
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