I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I hadn’t captured any images of Fall foliage in Marblehead this year.  As I wrote that post, I was also scouting the full Hunter’s moon expected location and had an image in mind that I hoped to capture.

I finished up my last note at work at 5:15pm and drove straight to Devereux Beach and the causeway.  I had packed my camera and tripod that morning in case I was able to make it out on time for the 5:30pm moonrise and 5:45pm sunset.  I arrived at the Devereux parking lot at a little past 5:30pm but the moon had not yet risen into view.  I quickly gathered my gear and set up hoping for a break in traffic and a nice moonrise.

The sky began to turn a soft pink as the first golden glow of the moon broke through the canopy of foliage on Marblehead Neck.  I quickly composed this image to include the leading line of the causeway and the perpendicular lines of the lamp posts.  The rest was up to timing and a quick trigger finger – trying to capture the moon in between cars crossing the causeway.

The end result was a nearly perfect full Hunter’s moon rising over a canopy of Fall colors on Marblehead Neck.