Rain Drops on a Cherry Blossom
Couldn't think of a better image to finish off the week than this one of a rain drops on a cherry blossom. Enjoy the warm weekend everyone.
Couldn't think of a better image to finish off the week than this one of a rain drops on a cherry blossom. Enjoy the warm weekend everyone.
Last year, I discovered the three cherry blossom trees at the Harris Street cemetery and happened upon them at peak bloom. The conditions had been perfect that year and I would end up spending three days capturing the beautiful trees in the early morning and late evening hours. I had mentioned then that cherry blossoms and forever linked to thoughts of Spring from having lived in Washington, DC for several years. And so, after the incredibly long Winter we just had, I was looking forward to the display of pink flowers at Harris Street cemetery more than ever this year. [...]
I'm not much of a flower photographer (with the exception of cherry blossoms in the Spring and sunflowers in Summer) but I had to stop and capture these flowers along Beacon Street when I passed them in the late Fall. With Spring officially here but without the warmth that all of us are waiting for yet to arrive, I figured an image of flowers was in order.
83 more days until the cherry blossoms of the Harris Street Cemetery reach peak bloom (well, if we go by last year's incredible display). Not much else to add - Spring can't come soon enough.
I shared a single image of a sunflower last week and decided to share more to finish up this week. As I mentioned then, these sunflowers were a gift from someone in town whose crop I had admired last Summer. This crop now resides outside my office window and I took the opportunity last week to photograph some of them in great light and in various stages. Enjoy a gallery of images below.
I mentioned on Friday that the two flowers I strive to photograph each year are sunflowers and cherry blossoms. Since living in Washington, DC and being spoiled by the view of cherry blossoms lining the tidal basin there, these flowers have become synonymous with the start of Spring. This year, I happened upon the most incredible display of cherry blossoms since moving to Marblehead five years ago. I discovered this crop of trees in the midst of the Harris Street Cemetery one day and ended up coming back to shoot for three days in a row in early morning and, [...]
Anyone who has followed this site for a while might have heard me state that I am not a flower photographer. The exceptions to that rule are cherry blossoms which will always signal the start of Spring to me and the sunflower which is tied to the warmth of Summer. Last year, I found a particular patch of sunflowers with great petals and details. I inquired about obtaining some seeds from their owner and received a gift of seedlings and seeds earlier in the Summer. My daughter and I went to work one afternoon carefully planting the seedlings and scattering [...]
Couldn't resist bringing out another image from my trip to the Harris Street Cemetery which I found in peak bloom at the end of April. On this particular evening, I had gone to the cemetery in hopes of getting a shot of the almost full pink moon rising against the foreground of cherry blossoms. Before the moon could rise, I had to wait for the sun to set and, as it did, it lit up the cherry blossoms and surroundings in a great evening light. I took a few shots around the cemetery but this one was a favorite. I [...]
I mentioned this tree in yesterday's post. I had passed by this great big tree many times in the past but had never seen it at peak blossom. On April 25th, not only had it reached peak, but the sun was at just the right angle from which to capture it. I started off photographing the cherry blossom tree from across the street as the sun dipped and cast long shadows on the grassy lawn. With the permission of one of the residents of the house, I then went about checking different compositions and settled on one other image (seen [...]
Earlier this week, I put up a number of framed, canvas and metal prints at the Starbucks where they will remain for the month and where I will be during the Marblehead Art Walk on Saturday from 1-4pm. On my way home, I drove by the median where Lafayette and Humphrey merge into Pleasant Street and noticed the tulips had blossomed. As I drove by, I also saw that there was a nice composition to be had by shooting the tulips with St. Stephen's Church as the backdrop and decided to return later in the week. On Tuesday, the sun [...]