For a variety of reasons, I had not been out shooting in well over a month’s time. As luck would have it, tonight ended up being an incredible opportunity to break that streak.

After returning home from work, my wife and son came up with the idea of going to the Dolphin Yacht Club for dinner. We lucked out with an outdoor table and enjoyed Chef Jake’s incredible meal while watching storm clouds form to the north and south as storms split around Marblehead. As I ate and watched the sky, I kept glancing at my watch and wondered if I might have time to run home, grab my gear and head out to shoot. It was the first time I had felt that drive to capture light and it felt really, really good.

Our check arrived and we headed home from where I loaded up and drove straight to Crocker Park. Once there I was like a kid in a candy store finding composition after composition, changing lenses on the fly and reaching out to a friend to join me. I ended up with over 200 images captured in the span of an hour and came down to two favorites.

This one was taken at 8:07pm as the golden light peaked to the south looking out towards the causeway. With boats filling nearly every mooring of the harbor, the scene came together perfectly.

Lots more to come from this outing as I work through the images…