Village Street

About Last Night

So last night had all the makings of a great sunset which was even more remarkable due to the paucity of nice sunset light in the past month. And yet, despite the weather predictions and staring up at the sky on my evening walk with the dog, I just couldn't make it out. Thankfully, a quick trip to the 'to be posted' folder reminded me of an equally nice sunset that took place on July 19, 2019 off the Village Street pier. This is the last 'keeper' from that outing and the sixth image I captured that night. Each one [...]

By |2021-08-03T22:12:49-04:00August 4th, 2021|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , |13 Comments

Summer is Back

It was too early to have to deal with 40 degree mornings so I'm glad to see that summer is back at least for a few days of warmth. To celebrate, here is one of my favorite sunsets from last summer when I lucked out with perfect light after a boat ride around Marblehead harbor. Captured on July 19, 2019 at 8:24pm (hard to imaging with sunset now taking place around 6:30), I shot at the end of Village Street for only 5 minutes as the light peaked but came away with 6 keepers. This is the fifth one of [...]

By |2020-09-22T21:58:42-04:00September 23rd, 2020|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , |8 Comments

Summer Sunset from Village Street

I went out twice yesterday to capture photos with the second outing being a hope of a decent sunset that never did materialize. I came home and started scrolling through my archives trying to remember what a vivid sunset actually looked like after endless days of grey and found this gem from July 19, 2019. I still remember driving home with my son as the sky began to light up and then making an impromptu turn onto Village Street where I quite literally pulled over for this.  I came away with more compositions than I could share that night and [...]

By |2020-04-06T21:19:41-04:00April 7th, 2020|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Top 10 of 2019 – #2 – Fire in the Sky

On July 19th, Marblehead was facing its first heat wave of 2019 and, luckily, we had been invited onto a friend's boat. We motored around the harbor and ate dinner as the temperature rose and any wind dropped. At around 7:30pm, we arrived back at the dock on the Salem Harbor side of Marblehead and hung out for a bit there. As luck would have it, my son was invited to hang out with friends and I offered to drive him home. As we drove, I noticed the sky building in color and, when we hit Village Street, I made [...]

By |2019-12-25T12:26:58-05:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Favorite|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

30 Minute Tie Up

It seems like forever ago but on July 19th I was fortunate to be at the right place at the right time to witness and capture a spectacular sunset over Salem harbor. I shared one panoramic shot that took in the full scene as soon as I came home but this view has sat in the 'to be published' folder until now. I struggled with a title and ended up zooming in the signage of the Richard H Rockett Landing to settle on '30 Minute Tie up'. Hopefully the image makes up for the boring title...

By |2019-09-17T22:20:06-04:00September 18th, 2019|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , |19 Comments

That One Summer Sunset

It seems that every year, there's that one summer sunset that explodes in the sky and changes color so quickly that it ends up creating numerous composition possibilities. Such was the case on July 19th when I returned home from a boat ride around the harbor and pulled over at the Village Street dock as the light began to form. I spent this weekend catching up on images in my 'to be processed' folder and ended up finding five images from this night in addition to the one I already shared. This one was actually a panorama of two images [...]

By |2019-08-25T20:06:58-04:00August 26th, 2019|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , , |14 Comments

Fire in the Sky – Heat Wave is Coming

I had missed out on a surprisingly vibrant sunset on Wednesday night and made up for it with tonight's fire in the sky that erupted over the Village street pier. We had been out on a friend's new boat for a tour around the harbor and just returned when I spotted the makings of a nice sunset. At exactly the same moment, my son asked for a ride home so he could meet up with friends. I had my camera with me for shooting the harbor and drove back with an eye to the sky the entire time. As we [...]

By |2019-07-19T21:10:28-04:00July 19th, 2019|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , , |40 Comments

Life on the West Shore

For the first few years, my family lived in a rental on Willow Road mere steps from the Village street launch (otherwise known as Rockett Landing).  After moving to the Clifton Area, I've returned to this area less often than I would have thought given its beautiful scenery. In early August, the sky filled with a picture perfect mix of white clouds and dark blue skies.  I stopped at a number of locations on this day to capture scenes of Marblehead on a Summer day and couldn't resist walking the length of the float at the end of Village Street [...]

By |2016-10-26T22:19:08-04:00October 27th, 2016|Categories: From the Water|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Seat for Sunset at Rockett Landing

I mentioned in yesterday's post that I had gone out on Monday night as elements in the sky lined up nicely and seemed ready to add up to a solid sunset.  Having lived off Village Street for our first few years in Marblehead, I knew the Rockett Landing (or Village Street Landing) well and had spent many sunsets capturing the light reflecting off the waters of Salem Harbor.  It had been at least a year since I had returned to this spot and so I decided to drive here on this particular evening. I reached Rockett Landing just as the [...]

By |2016-11-06T12:04:28-05:00June 4th, 2014|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

30 Minute Tie Up at Rockett Landing

Back to the archive for this image taken in April 2011.  At the time, we were renting an apartment off Village Street so this spot had become a favorite from which to shoot the sunset.  I could look out our window to check conditions and then make a mad dash down the hill to try to capture some of the beautiful sunsets that would take shape over the waters of Salem harbor from this spot at Rockett Landing. This particular image sat in the queue but never seemed to be good enough to warrant a share.  I spent about an [...]

By |2016-11-06T12:05:52-05:00September 4th, 2013|Categories: Salem Harbor|Tags: , , , |0 Comments