
Watching the Boats Come In

August 7th was a really hot day in Marblehead and I had decided to chase these cumulus clouds out to Chandler Hovey Park.  I walked out of my air conditioned car and almost immediately turned back but then forced myself to explore photo options. It was near the edge of the park that I was able to compose a shot to include the beautiful cloud cover while keeping Marblehead Light at the edge of the frame. Between the brown grass and the view of people sitting under the shade of the structure, I think the temperature of this day can [...]

By |2022-08-21T19:40:53-04:00August 23rd, 2022|Categories: Chandler Hovey park|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Summer Days on the Harbor

Another image from my chase of cumulus clouds on a 99 degree summer day on the harbor. I had left Castle Rock and headed to Chandler Hovey before circulating back down to Foster Street. From here I knew I could capture a number of compositions looking across the harbor toward Abbot Hall but also towards the mouth of the harbor. When I spotted the launch for the Eastern Yacht Club idling, I knew I would start with this shot angling to get the Corinthian Yacht Club and Marblehead Light in the background.  The otherwise full harbor and great clouds overhead [...]

Summer Days at Castle Rock

Before the storm came through on Sunday night, I had gone out on a hot and humid summer day to capture views of Marblehead with cumulus clouds overhead. I realized a few weeks ago that I had been favoring sunset shots at the expense of the bright scenes of mid-day. So at 2pm on a 99 degree day, I headed out to capture views of summer days in Marblehead. Castle Rock was a later stop and I found it far more full than this image would have you believe. There were plenty of people down on the beach (only present [...]

By |2022-08-08T22:57:14-04:00August 9th, 2022|Categories: Marblehead Neck|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Cloudscape above Marblehead Rock

The next few days will feature images captured on the short (but incredibly productive) boat ride out of Marblehead Harbor on July 14th.  Once we made it out of the harbor, I noted another nice cloudscape to the south and captured several images of the clouds above Marblehead Rock reflecting sunlight on the Atlantic Ocean. This was my favorite of that set.

By |2022-07-24T20:52:16-04:00July 26th, 2022|Categories: From the Water|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Grey Clouds over Marblehead

On May 15th, I had headed out a bit too early to catch the moonrise and so I made a quick detour onto the Neck. The light held some promise but, as I turned onto Harbor Avenue and took another look to my left, I spotted some grey clouds that threatened to blot out the sunset. I ended up at Foster Street and walked down to the Pleon pier for this view just as the sun was fully blocked by the cloud cover. I had to underexpose the scene to battle the light escaping from behind the cloud and was [...]

By |2022-06-01T07:04:31-04:00June 1st, 2022|Categories: Marblehead Harbor|Tags: , |0 Comments

Spring is in the Air – Marblehead Light

I mentioned that I had gone out on Sunday, April 10th to capture tech dinghies in the harbor and started off at Hammond Park. This was the scene that awaited me there. I played with tight and wide compositions of this scene but had to go with the wider version as it allowed me to include the great cumulus clouds over Marblehead Light. The sun was behind me and helped bring out the small white sails against the blue water of the harbor.

By |2022-04-10T17:47:04-04:00April 13th, 2022|Categories: Marblehead Harbor|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Morning Light – part 2

This was my second view of sunrise this morning (and no, you did not miss part 1 - I'll share that tomorrow)... I had missed the incredible sunrise on Monday morning and the other really nice one on Tuesday and made sure not to miss the possibility of a decent one on this Wednesday in Marblehead. I started off on Front Street shooting toward Marblehead Light with some nice clouds overhead but left there before the sun rose as I had a hunch about the light in the other direction. I drove to Devereux and pulled over in the parking [...]

By |2021-12-15T17:11:27-05:00December 15th, 2021|Categories: Sunrise|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Still Chasing Those Rainbows

Since I wasn't able to capture a rainbow on my most recent outing, here is one from May 12th that I haven't had the chance to share yet. Between the rainbow and interesting cloud formation, I had ample opportunities to come up with different compositions from my spot at the end of Commercial Street.  Here I brought the camera down to the ground just inches above the water level to accentuate the reflections in the still water and only later noticed the flared end of the rainbow where it met the causeway.

By |2021-07-25T20:14:21-04:00July 29th, 2021|Categories: Storm|Tags: , , |4 Comments

Breaking through the Clouds

It's almost funny looking back at this image captured on the fourth of July and realizing we have spent much of the second wettest month on record in similar conditions. On that day, I had gone out just after noon and ended up capturing what I thought was an interesting low bank of clouds from the Pleon.  Abbot Hall seems to be breaking through the clouds with a nearly full harbor laid out in front.

By |2021-07-25T20:08:15-04:00July 27th, 2021|Categories: Marblehead Harbor|Tags: , , |1 Comment