
Glover’s March to Old Burial Hill

It's been nearly a month since I last posted an image here (the epiphany bonfire). I had decided to take a break or at least slow down the photography and, as it happens, I chose to do so during the least photogenic winter in the past 10 years... Tonight, however, I headed out before 5pm to join Glover's Regiment annual march from Old Town House to Old Burial Hill on the anniversary of General John Glover's death (from hepatitis I learned tonight). I remembered how difficult it was to shoot the lantern procession and gathering at Old Burial Hill when [...]

By |2020-02-01T21:18:28-05:00February 1st, 2020|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , |1 Comment

Last Night at the Carnival

After a rain delay, the annual Marblehead High School carnival opened last night and welcomed teenagers to hang out among the rides, games and carnival food at Devereux Beach. My son was among the mainly seventh and eighth graders who took their place in attending this timeless tradition. I showed up at 8pm and spent an hour walking around and capturing a few images using scattered puddles from the intermittent rain to make for more interesting compositions. This was my favorite image from last night with the Music Fest ride in full swing and the name reflected in the puddle [...]

By |2019-05-04T08:35:08-04:00May 4th, 2019|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , , |9 Comments

Fighting along Front Street

I received an email this morning from the Glover's Regiment physician (and fellow Georgetown Medicine alumni) reminding me that the Regiment will be having their annual encampment on July 7th. That immediately reminded me of a few images I captured of a battle being reenacted with fighting along Front Street. As was typical back in the day, these soldiers lined up to fire their rifles and I was able to line up my shot with the lighthouse situated just behind the smoke and fire.

By |2018-06-28T06:48:08-04:00June 28th, 2018|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Three Volleys on Old Burial Hill

Last night, Glover's Regiment met in front of Old Town House before their annual memorial march to Old Burial Hill to commemorate the life of John Glover. I hadn't previously had the chance to join the Regiment on this march and was thrilled to take part this year under cool (but not miserable) conditions. There were two other photographers there shooting for the Reporter and Daily Item and the three of us tried to stay out of each other's shots as we walked ahead of the Regiment along Washington Street towards Glover's burial place. When we reached Old Burial Hill, [...]

By |2018-02-03T22:31:20-05:00February 4th, 2018|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , , |11 Comments

Epiphany Bonfire in the Falling Snow

Tonight's epiphany bonfire in the falling snow couldn't have been more magical and I almost gave up on shooting it... I made it home from work a little after 5 and had enough time to change and drop off my son at basketball practice before heading to Riverhead beach and the annual (though belated) epiphany bonfire.  I arrived as the first flames rose from the pile of Christmas trees and turned into the Devereux parking lot only to find far more parked cars and far less room than I expected.  I turned into what appeared to be the last open [...]

By |2018-01-08T20:17:44-05:00January 8th, 2018|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , , , , |8 Comments

Marching to the Beat on State Street

Another incredible Marblehead Christmas Walk is in the books and, as has been the case for the past few years, I set up along State Street to capture Glover's Regiment leading the annual parade.  This year I decided to bring along a single 35mm lens and set it to its widest aperture in the hopes of focusing on just one part of the parade.  As luck would have it, the drummer was on my side of the street and I captured this image of him drumming while the rest of the regiment was marching to the beat on State Street.

By |2017-12-04T21:22:30-05:00December 6th, 2017|Categories: Traditions|Tags: , , , |6 Comments

The Lobster Trap Tree

On Saturday morning, I drove my daughter to the State Street landing where she met with her fourth grade Marblehead Cheerleading team to take part in the annual Christmas Walk parade.  I had missed out on shooting the festivities earlier in the day when Santa arrived by boat and was surprised to see a lobster trap tree built up on one of the sections leading toward the water. I don't recall seeing a lobster trap tree here in years past and wondered if it might be a new addition to this town's traditional parade and other downtown festivities.  As it [...]

By |2017-12-04T21:15:46-05:00December 5th, 2017|Categories: Old Town|Tags: , , |25 Comments

Epiphany Bonfire at Riverhead Beach

For the second year in a row, the town of Marblehead gathered its Christmas trees onto Riverhead Beach and set them ablaze in the tradition of the Epiphany bonfire.  This annual tradition took place for years until the new causeway was built and then was put on hiatus until its resumption last year.  That was the first time I had the pleasure of witnessing the massive bonfire of Christmas trees with families gathered to witness the beautiful sight. With a new Phantom 4 Pro in hand, I decided to capture this year's Epiphany bonfire from the air.  I set off [...]

By |2017-01-06T19:44:48-05:00January 6th, 2017|Categories: Aerial|Tags: , , , |20 Comments

Top 10 of 2016 – #8 – The Christmas Tree Bonfire

We moved to Marblehead in May 2008 just as the causeway was being re-built and, as such, had never witnessed the annual Christmas Tree bonfire tradition.  On January 6, the tradition was resumed and I was awed by the site of the incredible bonfire and, even more, the gathered crowd reflected in the flame light.  Here is #8 in my Top 10 of 2016 countdown - make sure you visit Riverhead Beach on Friday, January 6 for the 2017 edition of the bonfire.

By |2016-12-18T10:32:13-05:00December 21st, 2016|Categories: Favorite|Tags: , , , , |10 Comments