Corinthian Lane

Fire in the Sky

Tonight, I was fortunate to capture one of the most incredible displays of color and light as a fire in the sky marked one of the last sunsets of this Summer in Marblehead.  I had missed out on last night's sunset and was jealous of the shots populating my Facebook and Instagram feeds.  As sunset approached and the air picked up humidity, I decided to head out hoping for a decent showing. I drove across the causeway and stopped along Foster Street to assess the position of the sun in the sky.  From there, I headed over to Corinthian Lane and [...]

By |2016-11-06T12:03:27-05:00September 20th, 2016|Categories: Sunset|Tags: , , , , |15 Comments

Perfect Spot for a Sunset

Last night, the sunset was due to take place at 6:48pm thanks to the magic of Daylight Savings Time and, after a quick check of the weather conditions, I thought it might turn into a good show.  With that thought in mind, I headed out with a few destinations in mind. I started off shooting along Riverhead Beach and started to become nervous as the clouds built up near the horizon.  I stayed in that spot until 6pm and then decided to head to a location I hadn't visited since the Summer - Corinthian Lane.  This might just be the [...]

By |2016-03-13T20:48:32-04:00March 14th, 2016|Categories: Marblehead Harbor|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

A Late Summer Day on Marblehead Harbor

I don't know about you but this Winter is getting old quick.  Between the snow, blizzard conditions and days on end that stayed below the freezing mark, this has the feel of a very long Winter...and it's only mid-January.  The mini 'warm up' these past two days has only left me thinking of Summer even more. I decided to look back in the archives for some warm images and wanted to share this one today.  First, the specifics - this image was taken on August 16 at 7:25pm.  I can't imaging light at 7:30pm but I can definitely feel the [...]

By |2016-11-06T12:05:44-05:00January 13th, 2014|Categories: Marblehead Harbor|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Summer Sunset from Corinthian Lane

I missed a great Summer sunset on Thursday and decided to make up for it with a photoshoot on Friday.  I headed out at 7pm and made my way to Devereux Beach to scout out the skies.  Unfortunately, there was nothing but boring blue looking out over the harbor with more interesting clouds back towards Greystone and Goldthwait.  Having recently shot sunsets from Devereux Beach, I decided to drive out to Marblehead Neck and see if I could find some new vantage points. After circling around the parking lot at Chandler Hovey Park, I drove back down Kimball Street and [...]

By |2014-04-20T15:18:35-04:00August 22nd, 2013|Categories: Marblehead Neck|Tags: , , , |0 Comments