
Waiting for Nights Like This

Sorry for the lack of images last week - I was in Los Angeles with my kids visiting my parents and sister for Rosh Hashanah and then drove down to New York with my son for a Bar Mitzvah this past weekend. Between work, life and the odd fall season, I haven't had a chance to shoot anything new in the past few weeks. The fall season seems to be off to an odd start with many trees around town already changed and having dropped their foliage. Meanwhile, peak foliage season should still be a few weeks away. I decided [...]

By |2019-10-06T20:55:07-04:00October 7th, 2019|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , , |17 Comments

Seaside Foliage

We are only a few days into the fall season but the warm weather has me concerned about foliage displays this year. I've already driven by this maple at Seaside park and noticed its leaves turning and beginning to fall but in more of a piecemeal fashion than past year's all-at-once displays. The same can be said for other spots around town but, hopefully, this is not going to be true of the entire season. If you would like to get an early peak at fall, stop along Atlantic Avenue for some Seaside foliage. Otherwise, maybe we should enjoy the [...]

By |2019-09-24T22:21:27-04:00September 25th, 2019|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , |10 Comments

Ware in the World

Once more to Ware Lane and peak foliage along this tiny dirt road in Marblehead. I mentioned in Monday's post that I had happened upon this scene while walking the dog with my wife and returned with camera gear in tow to capture its beauty. I shot with a 200mm lens at first to focus on the tree and pond but then switched to a 16mm lens for a wider vertical view and one of those sun stars. When I shared the first image, I was struck by all the comments of those who grew up in this section of [...]

By |2018-11-05T20:26:47-05:00November 7th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , , |16 Comments

Turning Leaves at Old Town House

I had gone out on Sunday, October 21st to find early signs of autumn in Marblehead having noticed the maples had already hit peak color. I started off at the high school before heading down Pleasant Street to historic downtown Marblehead. Once there, I made it a point to circle Old Town House and spotted a few turning leaves in the trees on either side of the building. I found this spot from which to capture the yellow facade and gradual progression of fall color from the leaves at the top to the green ones below.

By |2018-11-04T17:24:50-05:00November 6th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , |15 Comments

Liquid Gold

With all the recent rain and wind, I had just about given up on capturing any images of foliage in Marblehead. On Sunday morning, I headed out with my wife to walk the dog and our patch took us along Humphrey Street. As we crossed the street at Rose Avenue, I turned my head and spotted this view of Ware Lane with rainwater having formed a small reflecting pool that had turned into liquid gold with the morning sun backlighting the yellow leaves. We finished the walk and I returned with my camera to capture the serene view of fall's [...]

By |2018-11-04T17:14:52-05:00November 5th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , |16 Comments

Racing by Crocker Park

With Saturday's Nor'Easter, I had just about given up on capturing foliage in Marblehead. With a shortened schedule for the EYC's annual Halloween Race, I headed across the causeway and set up along the Eastern's pier to capture scenes of the colorful boats passing by Crocker Park toward Abbot Hall. As the sun poked through the clouds, Crocker Park lit up behind the boats and I spotted some colorful leaves in the background. I ended up with at least a dozen 'keepers' in the hour or so spent shooting the race but this image of the boats passing by Crocker [...]

By |2018-10-28T20:13:53-04:00October 29th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , , , |4 Comments

Blowing in the Wind

I mentioned a couple of days ago that I had gone out on Sunday to capture images of a rapidly disappearing fall foliage around town. My first stop was Marblehead High School where I had last noted some early color a week prior.  I arrived just before 5pm as the sun was illuminating the few trees displaying nice color. As an added bonus the grass in the foreground was lit by sun and blowing in the wind that would pick up periodically. I composed this image to include the grass, trees and the tower of the high school and then [...]

By |2018-10-21T20:00:34-04:00October 24th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , |3 Comments

Fall in Marblehead Harbor

On Saturday, I was out hoping to capture scenes of foliage with a lens I had rented for the week. This was as much an exercise for the lens as it was a hope to capture the fewer boats remaining in Marblehead Harbor with spots of foliage as backdrop. Unfortunately, I found more boats than foliage and had to console myself with this shot saved by some interesting clouds overhead and decent lighting. This foliage season seems to have been limited both in duration and color...

By |2018-10-21T19:43:41-04:00October 23rd, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , , |7 Comments

Leaves Turn at Memorial Park

On Sunday night, I headed out in search of foliage having realized that the recent cold snaps had made short work of this year's leaf peeping season in Marblehead.  I hit a few spots before turning onto Pleasant Street and noticing the way the setting sun was illuminating the top of the maple tree at Memorial Park. I quickly pulled over, ran out of the car with camera in hand, and captured a few frames before the sun dropped and the light disappeared.

By |2018-10-21T19:38:23-04:00October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , |5 Comments

Waterside Foliage

It's been a while since I actually went out on a Wednesday in Marblehead to capture images around town. The name of the site got its name from my day off of my 'real' job but I tended to shoot whenever the light was good and it worked out between the home and work schedule.  Yesterday, I dropped the kids off at their respective schools and headed out to Waterside Cemetery where I had scouted a tree nearing peak foliage a few days previously. I found the tree to have reached its peak color with very little in the way [...]

By |2018-10-17T19:09:57-04:00October 18th, 2018|Categories: Fall|Tags: , , , , |50 Comments
